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Global Oil Industry Efficiency and Productivity in the Upstream Sector : An Analysis Based on Non-Parametric Methods, 2008-2017


The book addresses a crucial issue regarding the economic development of countries. The structure of the oil industry -and in particular the upstream sector, responsible for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons- maintains a strategic value, since a large part of the energy sovereignty of each region depends on it; the income it generates in […]

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CITAR DIRECTO https://doi.org/10.52501/cc.128
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Interoperabilidad Metadatos Académicos

Dublin Core

Año: 2023
Edición: Primera
Colección: Divulgación Científica
ISBN: Comunicación Científica 978-607-59874-0-8
Páginas: 184
Tamaño: 16.5 x 23 cm







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The book addresses a crucial issue regarding the economic development of countries. The structure of the oil industry -and in particular the upstream sector, responsible for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons- maintains a strategic value, since a large part of the energy sovereignty of each region depends on it; the income it generates in the local and international markets affects the economic performance variables of companies and populations around the world. In this scenario, the work presented is focused on diagnosing the efficient performance of the upstream sector of each economy and on finding out whether total factor productivity means that the economy has progressed technologically and has improved the efficiency in the use of its resources, thus achieving an increase in its production by improving the combination of its factors and its production processes. This book is a valuable input for the design and implementation of a national public energy policy for the operations of the state-owned company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), since it provides a tool to evaluate the role of efficiency and technological change in the productivity of the factors used, with the purpose of improving its processes and identifying the moments when it is reduced, thus being able to react in time to formulate more realistic objectives and determine the factors that contribute to improve it.

Jorge Víctor Alcaraz Vera

Has a PhD on Finances by the Investigation and Development Center of Michoacan State; has a PROMEP profile (given by SEP); is member of the National System of Researchers (Level I), and is member of the “Public Policies and International Business” Academic Body of the Economic and Business Investigation Institute (ININEE) of the San Nicolás de Hidalgo University of Michoacan (UMSNH), where he’s been research professor since 2008. His research guidelines are about International Commerce and Finances, and Competitiveness and Productivity, especially on Agricola Commodities Markets.

ORCID logohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-9115-5694

Juan José Ortiz Villegas

D. in Science from the Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Estado de Michoacán (Mexico). He is also a professor-researcher at ININEE of the UMSNH. His research interests are international trade and finance, competitiveness and productivity, with emphasis on the study and analysis of agricultural commodity and energy derivatives markets. He is a member of the SNII of CONAHCYT.

ORCID logohttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-1374-4303

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