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Analysis of Mexican Corn Prices in the Chicago Board of Trade Futures Market, period 2000-2016
Erika del Carmen González Huacuz, Jorge Víctor Alcaraz Vera, Rubén Chávez Rivera
Año: 2023 | |
Edición: Primera | |
Colección: Colección Ciencia e Investigación | |
ISBN: 978-607-59425-5-1 | |
Páginas: 167 | |
Tamaño: 16.5 x 23 cm | |

This work outlines an analysis of the relationship between real prices of real production and prices resulting from speculation in the period 2000-2016. The specific agricultural commodity selected to carry out this study is Mexican yellow corn, whose prices are analyzed based on the spot market, on the real or physical goods market, and on the results of speculation within the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) of the CME Group, located in the United States of America. To achieve the above, a linear regression analysis using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method and time series data has been applied. We consider that this tool is the most appropriate to test the hypothesis planted based on currently available data.
Among the main findings of the analysis is that the growing speculation in agricultural commodity markets (in this case Mexican yellow corn) brings with it a series of structural problems in the Mexican agricultural sector, such as the agrifood crisis, the lack of food sovereignty and a highly speculative pricing process coming from abroad. In this sense, this work shows evidence of the need to put forward proposals in terms of public policy, whose axis is
Erika del Carmen González Huacuz
Is currently studying a PhD on International Business Sciences at the Economic and Business Investigation Institute (ININEE) of the San Nicolás de Hidalgo University of Michoacan (UMSNH) in Mexico. She coordinated seminars at the Didactic and Educative Communication Center (UMSNH), and has been professor at the Autonomous University of Durango (UAD). Her research guidelines are about International Commerce and Finances, especially on Commodities Markets.
Jorge Víctor Alcaraz Vera
Has a PhD on Finances by the Investigation and Development Center of Michoacan State; has a PROMEP profile (given by SEP); is member of the National System of Researchers (Level I), and is member of the “Public Policies and International Business” Academic Body of the Economic and Business Investigation Institute (ININEE) of the San Nicolás de Hidalgo University of Michoacan (UMSNH), where he’s been research professor since 2008. His research guidelines are about International Commerce and Finances, and Competitiveness and Productivity, especially on Agricola Commodities Markets.
Rubén Chávez Rivera
Is Management Doctor and Chemical Engineer. He is a research professor at the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmacological Biology at the San Nicolás de Hidalgo University of Michoacan (UMSNH); has a PROMEP profile (given by SEP), is member of the National System of Researchers (Level I) and is member of the “Public Policies and International Business” Academic Body of the Economic and Business Investigation Institute (ININEE) of the UMSNH. His research guidelines are about Energy Economy, Sustainable Local Development, Financial Valuation of Companies, and Economic Optimization with Innovations in Fuzzy Logic.